We’re shooting (pun intended) for a perfect score with our moose hunt at Big Sand Lake Lodge this year. We came so close last season. We had 27 tags for 27 hunters. Twenty-five of those hunters got their moose. The only two who didn’t both had shots but decided to pass. One veteran moose hunter had seen a moose on a previous hunt he had his heart set on but couldn’t put his sites on since he’d already bagged his moose that hunt. This big boy had a most unusual rack configuration and the hunter was determined to get him when he returned last year. He went back to the same area where he had spotted his moose and hunted diligently. He saw and passed on 20 moose but never saw that special bull and decided not to shoot. We have the feeling this quest is not finished.

Another hunter also saw several moose and passed on each in hopes of getting a shot at an even bigger one. It didn’t happen. However, the other 25 hunters last season did find and bag their moose. Twenty-five out of twenty-seven is an amazing success rate but we hope this year’s hunters will do even better.

We have only one remaining unclaimed tag for this season. Does it have your name on it? All it takes is a call to Rick or Lynda at 1-800-348-5824 to grab that tag and likely your moose for this year.
For those of you who don’t know, there’s no finer moose hunting region in all of Canada than the area designated as the Big Sand Lake region. Our hunts are one-on-on, one guide to each hunter. Two hunters are assigned to each camp, each with huge areas to hunt. Most of our camps are cabins; a few are tent camps. All are what we call “hunter comfortable” with a stove and basic necessities. Your guide will prepare your food, help you stalk your moose and assist you with anything else you need. When you make your kill, he’ll also dress out your moose, with your assistance or not, depending on what you want to do. You are, of course, allowed to take your trophy rack, head and shoulders and fifty pounds of meat to ship back home. The remainder of the meat is donated to our First Nation communities.
The hunts are typically five days. If you bag your moose early in the hunt, there’s marvelous fishing to fill out your trip. In some cases, we can accommodate a non-hunting companion. Talk to us about what you want from your trip and we’ll do everything possible to accommodate you.
If you can’t join us for a hunt this year, it’s not too early to book your trip for next hunting season. The available tags and spots go quickly. And don’t forget that we also offer Spring bear hunting and combo moose and bear hunts in the Fall. Again, we’re happy to provide details so give us a call.
by Gary Cole